Monday, September 8, 2008

How To Ancient your Item

An item upgraded until +9 can still be upgraded by using a special compounding jewelry.

A successful upgrade using this special jewelry has higher damage input and has an additional option depending on the jewelry used.
To proceed with the upgrade, you will need one of the following jewelries: Diamond, Emerald, Coral and Garnet.

You can use items with upgrades (such as +9 defender) to be boosters to have a higher chance of success rate.
When upgrading normal weapons into Ancient weapons, it needs +7~+10 items with one grade lower than the item to be compounded.

For example, when the weapon to be compounded has a grade of D, the items to be used as boosters should have a grade of C. You can’t use Grade A or B items in making the weapon into an Ancient one.

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